Tuesday 30 December 2014

A Brief Timeline of Internet Developments

1958 US ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) established to lead science
           and military technological developments.
1961 MIT research paper of Packet Switching Theory.
1961-69 Ongoing research into inter-computer communications and networks.
1969 ARPANET, commissioned by US Defense Department, goes live.
         US universities connect up network facilities for the first time.
1971 Ray Tomlinson creates first network email application.
1973 Development of protocols to enable multi-network Internet opportunities.
         First international ARPANET connections made.
1976 HM Queen Elizabeth II sends an email.
1978 First spam email is recorded.
1980 Tim Berners-Lee develops rules for the World Wide Web and is credited as the
          Web Father.
         Alan Emtage develops the first search tool known as ‘ARCHIE’.

1982 Standard network protocols are established: Transmission Control Protocol
           (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), commonly referred to as TCIP/IP.
1984 Joint Academic Network (JANET) is established, linking higher education
         Domain Name System (DNS) is introduced.
1985 A company named Symbolics becomes the first registered dot.com domain.
1987 National Science Foundation (US) is the catalyst for the surge in funded work
         into the Internet.
         Number of Internet hosts increases significantly in this period. 

1988-90  28 countries sign up to hook up to the NSFNET, reinforcing international
              Internet potential.
1990 Senator Al Gore coins the term ‘information superhighway’.
1991 Web Father, Tim Berners-Lee releases World Wide Web (www) with scientists
         from CERN.
1992 America Online (AOL) is launched and raises $23m in floatation.
        The term ‘surfing the net’ is introduced by Jean Armour Polly.
         The World Bank goes online.

1993 Mainstream media attention increases awareness of the Internet.
        First Internet publication. Wired, goes on sale.
        Mosaic introduces the first web browser with graphical interface and is the
        forerunner of Netscape Navigator.
        First online shopping malls and virtual banks emerge as does evidence of
        First clickable banner advert is sold by Global Network Navigator to a law firm.
1995 Amazon is launched by Jeff Bezos.
         Trial dial-up systems such as AOL and CompuServe launch.
        Charging is introduced for domain names.
        Search technology companies such as Alta Vista, Infoseek, Excite and
        Metacrawler rapidly appear.
1996 Yahoo! is launched on the stock exchange and shares are up nearly 300% on
        first day.

1997 MP3.com is founded.
        The term “search engine optimisation” is used for the first time in a forum.
1998 XML is released to enable compatibility between different computer systems.
        Google founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
1999 Peter Merholz coins the word “blog”.
2000 AOL and Time-Warner announce they are merging.
         Pay per Click campaigns are introduced for top ten search rankings.
         Google AdWords launches, charging for adverts on a CPM basis.

2002 UK online monthly consumer shopping breaks through the £1 billion barrier.
         Google AdWords charges on a PPC basis instead of CPM.
2003 eBay topples Amazon as the most visited UK website.
2004 CD-WOW loses court case and rights to source cheaper CDs outside EU,
          undermining the global concept of the Internet.
         Facebook launches from the Harvard dorm room of Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin
         Moskovitz, Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin.
2005 Iceland leads the world with broadband penetration: 26.7 inhabitants per 100
         have broadband compared with 15.9 per 100 in the UK.
         Launch of YouTube.
         Google buys Android Inc.

2006 Google buys YouTube for $1.6 billion.
         Facebook membership opens to anyone.
         Twitter launches.
         Technorati notes that a blog is created every second of every day.
         Time Magazine names “You” as person of the year, due to online activity.
2007 Facebook launches Facebook Ads.
         Apple launches the iPhone.
         Google Phone, with the Android operating system, launches.
2008 Firefox 3.0 launches with over 8 million downloads in 24 hours.
         Groupon launches, to become the fastest growing company of all time.
         Google Chrome, a browser, launches.
         Apple launches the App Store.

2009 Facebook adds “like” feature.
         Foursquare launches.
2010 Facebook reaches 500 million users.
        24 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
        Launch of Google Instant.
        Google launches Nexus One.
        Internet usage tops 1 966 514 816 worldwide.
2011 200 million tweets are sent daily on Twitter - about one billion a week.
       Social media is credited with a crucial role in political movements in Egypt,
       Tunisia and Libya.
       Apple’s App Store downloads top 10 billion.
       Google + launches.

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